Monday, September 28, 2009


It's my first time making 肉じゃが, its one of the most classic Japanese 家庭料理, everyday home food. and it actually worked out alright! i made heaps, so i had it for four meals!!! I'm going to try cooking as much as possible, and i think the next thing i'm gonna try is BBQ ribs.....i get cravings for ribs now and then.

Update on Life: I think i've finally figured out the best way to handle my drama/jap show habit. I will contain it all on Sundays, and for however much i watch, i will spend the equivalent time listening to sermons/reading christian books.
So that should keep me in check. Its Day 17 of my drama diet, so still another 2 weeks to go.

Praise God! For He is good!

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