Monday, September 7, 2009

See you in Heaven

My friend passed away last week.
She fell on the stairs, hit her head and died.
It still seems surreal to me, but I'm so so thankful that she belongs to Christ.
Because I know I'll see her in heaven. I know that she's with God right now. And that's infinitely better than being on earth.

I read over the emails that we've sent to each other in the past. Most of them were from 05. The older ones are in my old email account which is totally cleared because I haven't used it.
I realized that I haven't changed very much since end of highschool until now.

I was watching heaps of Jap movies dramas, interested in sewing, learning Jap, traveled heaps.
Esp last year of highschool.
Senior trip (grad trip) to Malaysia.
Mission trip to Hubei, China.
Family trip to Korea.
Mission trip to Japan.
And Family trip to Taiwan.

Then starting uni in Sydney.

And 4 years later, I'm still watching heaps of Jap shows, started taking sewing classes, and taking Jap classes at uni. And still traveling, still wanting to go to Japan.

So how should I live my life? I don't know how much of it i have left. But I do want to live it to the full, live it to please God.

O Lord that you would comfort her family. Lord that this incident will bring them closer to each other, and closer to you.

Hey gini I miss you very very much and I'm so glad that I got to be part of your life even if it was brief. I still remember playing at your place in middle school, and walking around in the park at your place. I was such a stupid little kid back then. Thankyou for being my friend. またね!See you later! Heaven must be such a wonderful place.


  1. oh wow Tinny, this must have been such a shock to you. That was a heartfelt post - thank you for sharing! Praise God she is God's loved and chosen child though :) What great comfort it is to know that death has no hold on us because of Jesus =) *hugs* If you want to talk about it, i'm always here to listen!

  2. amen sista. praise God for the hope we have.
    may God's comfort be upon you and her family.

  3. awww *hugs*
    Thank God you are able to have such a view and keep living for Him and for your friend who's life was short.
