Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just the presentation to go

somehow i need to talk about it and SELL it
i feel pressured
because i really haven't done that much work

but at least i have the opportunity to talk it through

O Lord

Please give me strength and the wisdom that I lack

but Praise the Lord

that the hardest part is over

May everything I do and say bring you glory O Lord

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tinny!
    I think it's these experiences that really help you grow and become more confident! I was like that too back when I was at uni, but it's things like work that really took me out of my comfort zone. It's such a blessing that God is using these opportunities to develop skills to better His kingdom - who knows if down the track you'll be presenting the gospel to those around you!
    +oil!! Will be praying!
